

紧紧相拥泣不成声/相拥而泣Working at a theater in Daehak-ro as an actor, the husband has an affair with an actress. The wife, without knowing his affair, is busy housekeeping. The second feature by director Kim Dong Won shows typical pictures of Korean society. The unavoidable separation of the husband and his lover, and the conversation between the wife and the returning husband are a collection of reality, TV dramas and gossip. On the other hand, the film portrays and shows Daehak-ro. Through the play, romance is summarized and displayed; popular music and poets are everywhere in Daehak-ro. Nevertheless, the film is solitary and lonely. It shows a section of artists’ living in these crowded days who have no choice but to stand alone. The film touches the loneliness that exists between popularity and art.

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