

冰尸玩过界在一个悲惨的雪上汽车事故,一个年轻的夫妇是困在树林和必须生存在等待救援时。事件采取一个更糟的方向发展的失踪后艾玛的男朋友,让她在她自己不仅要与元素,但也得不到一个神秘的猎人谁是跟踪她穿过森林。 片名结束After a harrowing snowmobile accident, a young couple is stranded in the woods and must survive while waiting for help to arrive. Events take a turn for the worse af for help to arrive. Events take a turn for the worse after the disappearance of Emma’s boyfriend, leaving her on her own not only to battle the elements, but also to elude a mysterious hunter who is tracking her through the forest.简介结束


2013-11-10 14:57:47