

爱之咬痕假里,男孩们白天打工晚上寻欢,这种生活令男主角杰米感到厌烦。直到他遇到美丽的旅行者朱丽安娜,他的世界才不再枯燥。不过随着朱丽安娜的到来,小镇上开始发生一些怪事:男孩们一个个地消失了。杰米被陌生人警告附近有狼人,而且它只捕食处男。流言传开,男孩们感到恐惧,怀疑狼人就在他们中间。School is over and summer has begun in the dead-end seaside town of Rainmouth. While Jamie"s friends seem to be happy working in the local pie factory by day and looking for sex by night, Jamie is bored out of his mind, running his pot-head mother"s B&B. He"s desperate to get out of there. But when he meets beautiful, smart and sexy American traveler Juliana at a party, he"s smitten - the world is nte to get out of there. But when he meets beautiful, smart and sexy American traveler Juliana at a party, he"s smitten - the world is not so small after all. But soon after Juliana"s arrival, strange things start happening. One of the local teens goes missing at a party. Then, another. Jamie is warned by an enigmatic stranger that a werewolf is in town - and preying solely on virgin flesh! The only way to be safe seems to be to pop your cherry. (But that can"t be true... can it?) As the locals are picked off one by one, the boys fear that a werewolf is indeed after them. And for all their talk, it turns out none of them have ever had sex before...

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